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Woman holding pregnant belly.

Oral Health Care During Pregnancy

As your partner in oral health, we aim to provide guidance and care for every age and stage of life. While pregnancy is an exciting, wonderful time for mothers-to-be, we’re here to remind you of the importance of proper oral health care in the months leading up to the birth of your child—and beyond!

Here are a few things to consider as you embark on your pregnancy journey.

1. Let’s face it—pregnancy can be exhausting. While you’re likely tired at the end of every day, try not to fall out of the habit of brushing your teeth before bed. Doing so for several weeks or months can lead to cavities and plaque buildup. More so, bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel to the uterus.

2. Have you ever heard of pregnancy gingivitis? It’s a result of hormonal changes in the body which can lead to irritated and bleeding gums. If you notice gum inflammation, contact us for a visit before it causes any further issue as it can be stopped in its tracks.

3. When possible, choose non-chewable pre-natal vitamins or supplements. Chewable vitamins often contain sugar that can stick to your teeth if not brushed right after taking them. When taken before bed and after brushing, it’s easy to see how this could lead to problems in your mouth.

4. For many women, morning sickness is common. When it occurs, acid from the stomach can make its way into the mouth and latch on to tooth enamel, weakening it. This can cause cavities.

Pregnant or know someone who is? We’d love to help care for their oral health along the way and are happily welcoming new patients. Contact us today to book a visit—we look forward to welcoming you into our care.

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