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Root Canal Treatment in Dubbo

older man with dental techIf you’re struggling with a toothache, the first thing we want to do is get you out of pain. Sometimes the source of your discomfort originates at the nerve of the tooth, like an abscess or dental trauma.

Root canal therapy is one of the best ways to prevent recurring tooth pain and preserve your natural tooth. That way, you can avoid an extraction or need to replace your tooth altogether. Endodontic treatment protects the longevity of your tooth and overall smile.

What’s Involved?

Endodontic treatment involves numbing the tooth and removing the infection deep inside the nerve. After the tissues are cleaned out, we medicate the inside of your tooth and seal it off to prevent a recurring infection.

When your root canal is complete, we’ll want to place a crown over the tooth to ensure its longevity. Since root canal treated teeth tend to be a bit more brittle, your new crown will help protect them in the years ahead.

Are Root Canals Painful?

We use medication to numb your tooth before initiating any type of restorative treatment. Your comfort is our top priority, so the first thing we’ll do is alleviate tooth pain. Getting a root canal is a routine procedure, so you shouldn’t feel more than just a slight amount of pressure.

To ensure the best outcome, we’ll treat the source of your discomfort first. About a week or two later, you’ll return for the second phase of your root canal. Since you’ll also need a crown, the process usually takes about 2-3 visits to complete.

Abscessed teeth can be painful. If you’re experiencing recurring toothaches or sensitivity to hot temperatures, please let us know.

Emergency Appointments Available

If you’re in pain because of a dental injury or abscess, there’s no need to wait. Same-day emergency visits with our dentists are available. Contact Delroy Park Dental Care straightaway for an appointment.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Root Canal Treatment Dubbo NSW | (02) 6882 8819